Welcome and salutations!

I have finally found a place to park my site, and so begins the genesis of my redefinition. This process will be slow, and most likely tedious, and may even drop by the wayside. The latest updates on what's going on in my life is best obtained in person, as I don't really like to publicize my personal life.

If you stay long enough however, I believe you will come away with something new and interesting, and realize subtle things about myself--my nature, personality, characteristics, and even my eccentricities. I'm sure at some point there will be a photo album, perhaps an online chat room, etc.

In the meantime, you can always see what's new at my Xanga page. Who knows, maybe you might find some interesting tidbits there, although it's highly doubtful. In addition I now have a Forum up so that you can leave comments and find out what is happening with the FUPC Crosswalk fellowship.

If you have any questions about this site, feel free to email the Webmaster.

I may or may not be here. Try chatting with me? Click now!

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